Used to describe a mans large penis
Girl 1: "Bro I was fucking Michael, and his dick was so long."
Girl 2: "Yeah I fucked him too. It was a Subway $5 Footlong, and boy did it taste good."
by Vanilla Water November 9, 2017
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Oh my god i saw the Japanese Subway girl Today in the metro
Lmao idc
by shitcrackeater February 4, 2021
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A girl that has there ass hanging out while takeing a pic in a subway bathroom
Did you here subway now sells cake
by Subway sells cake February 17, 2018
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It’s when you produce a turd of such perfection that it slides right past the U-bend & out of sight, leaving not a trace of poop on the tissue.
Oh my gosh, you’ll never believe; I just did a Ghosty Subway Self-Wiper. It was unbelievably smooth!
by Wonkinson May 18, 2023
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(n.) A phrase often shouted at pregames, "1 if by subway, 2 if by Uber" is a management technique to cluster the party into people taking public transport and those taking a taxi to go out.

A play on Paul Revere's "1 if by land, 2 if by sea" exclamation from 1774. Happens to be a convenient proxy to segment the group into the wealthy and poor.
Jim: "1!"
Maddox Witcroft, IV: "What a peasant."
by nolandc September 12, 2019
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A secretive way of asking if someone is a dominant, a sub, or a switch. Often used in a joking manner.
Person A - “Are you more of a Dominoes, Subway or Nintendo Switch kinda guy?”

Person B - “Oh, Dominoes for sure.”
by NotNotToday September 13, 2020
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