State that had sundown laws that made it illegal for black people to stay overnight in some towns. Also, had a large presence KKK members. It almost became a slave state.

Not the hipster paradise that it is now.
Dude one: Man, Oregon is paradise.

Dude two: Don’t be fooled. Not too long ago, if you were black you’d get kicked out of town before the sun went down.

Dude one: Night life must’ve sucked.
by Rainonparades123 February 27, 2022
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The Oregon sneeze is when you perform anal sex and the participants sneezes and semen ejects from their nose
I was with Sara the other night and she did the Oregon sneeze
by Turbowanker9000 June 17, 2021
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When someone shits there pants and as it rolls down you wait with your mouth open for it to fall in.
Nate totally got the Oregon Avalanche from me last night
by Jeezus69 December 31, 2021
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Diego Oregon is a wanna be special ed kid.he always comes inside our 4th period class room.say’s shit that no one wants to hear he gets into people business.annoyes everybody he thinks that he has friends but doesn’t he’s family need therapy bcz his sister ripped a dollar bill in half his mom and dad told Deigo to pee in a cup and they made her drink it

He wants to be funny but is NOT he’s jokes are cringe (p.s call the cops pls his family needs help)
Whao who is that stupid Kid.Diego Oregon
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Hotboxing, the act of smoking in an enclosed space, only done so in a van. Derived from Oregon weekend "nature trips"
"Dude it's too cold to smoke in the tent."
"Let's Oregon Hot Box then"
by IsThisNameTakenAlready? March 28, 2016
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An Oregon Hotbox, is hotboxing (smoking in a enclosed space) that takes place in a van, similar to what would occur when stoners take trip into the great outdoors.
"Dude, how are we gonna smoke? It's too cold outside."
"Oregon Hotbox dude"
by IsThisNameTakenAlready? March 28, 2016
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The act of having sex with someone in the woods against a tree while an animal watches.
“Bro you shouldve been there last night, I gave this girl an Oregon Obliterator!”
by Damon LaRue June 18, 2021
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