Someone with no personality or backbone. Generally pale in complexion. They have no positive but no negative features at all. Just an empty vessel. Contribute nothing to life, or your social group. Banter immune.Dull
Dan's girlfriend is fine, but there's just not much too her. She's just a bit of a jellyfish.
by Ballslikemelons July 12, 2015
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Code word for when someone is on their period
"Oh my god, jellyfish!"
"You good, need anything?"
"Nah I got stuff but it's so gross"
by iwillrageifthisnameistaken August 25, 2022
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Samantha: “You’re so skinny, I hate you bitch.” Amanda: “Don’t be a jellyfish!”
by Toledo burrito February 17, 2019
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The most gorgeous girl that could ever exist a girl who saved ur life n u love then but they can be brainless but u still love them n would die for them
Boy/girl : yo jellyfish wyd

Jellyfish in question: I think I still love them even if they blocked me.
by 2sad2bswag May 9, 2023
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It's a SEA CREATURE you idiots. It has absoloutely nothing to do with sex or drugs you dirty minded little ratty losers. Unless you are a toddler you should know this.
I saw a jellyfish at the aquarium on Saturday!
by SLAY!!!! March 29, 2023
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