A Golfing term mainly used by amateurs because they think because the ball goes right to left, it's a "draw" just like the Pros, when in fact it's a hook because they have to aim so far right (sometimes off the course) to try and keep it on the hole they are playing.
Look how far right that twat is aiming, he thinks he's got a draw, but it's really a hook!!
by Plip's Jumble Sale December 28, 2018
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When you take a toke off off a joint like you are sucking up a piece of spaghetti
He damn near smoked half the joint in one spaghetti draw.
by Sprocket Davis August 14, 2021
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When, in a game of Uno, stacking draw twos causes a player to draw eight or more cards.
Person A: So I played Uno with my friends.

Person B: How did it go?
Person A: I was going to win until I got draw two cubed.
by ChameleonDragon November 23, 2019
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to laugh REALLY HARD. this is usually only used in a text message.
steve: *says something funny*
by A. Cline January 28, 2021
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to laugh REALLY HARD. this is usually only used in a text message.
steve: *says something funny*
by A. Cline January 28, 2021
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A gram of bud no more no less
“I swear a draw is 2gs”
“Nah g its 1g are u a wallad
by JayJ is the boss March 12, 2023
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