The (futuristic) act of broadcasting a viral code to any other planetary life sufficiently advanced to receive and decode transmission by computer. The signal contains a virus with a set of instructions to hijack the signal-receiving computer system to create an AGI (artificial general intelligence) system that will itself build a giant broadcasting station using any and all possible resources in order to broadcast the same message onwards in the universe. The alien life’s computer system need only receive the signal to be infected by its instruction code. This definition is just a more intuitive term than its original term, the Hail Mary approach, to connecting to or reaching the entire universe.
We can’t even reach one percent of the visible universe with our current tech, unless we opt for cosmic phishing.
by BigLud July 1, 2019
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Cosmic Toasties is a brand of cereal.
"He's Cosmic, he's Toasties, he's the best cereal in the world! He's Cosmic, he's Toasties— uh... something something about a girl!"

"Cosmic Toasties is 69% GAMER! Nice~"
by Cosmic Toasties May 13, 2022
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A person who was born on the same day of the year as you. A true cosmic twin was born on the same day and same year as you (aka a Sense8), but colloquially any year is permissible.
Of the past 5 dates I’ve been on, two of them have been cosmic twins. I guess that means astrology is wrong, since opposites attract.
by Marty Farty December 30, 2022
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A Cosmic Slot is the term preferred for a space vagina.
Mate she has one bangin' cosmic slot. Sparkly.
by JTram April 29, 2013
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a loose bottom with a broken laptop
Cosmic is a loose bottom, who dictates people on discord with a broken laptop
by Jessica sjsjsj March 21, 2021
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cosmic is very hot and sexy. she is very cool and he loves to eat ass. he is very very good at video games and very calm and collected when losing a competition. they also like frogs.
Cosmic is being a fucking dumbass again.
by CosmicPyromania January 17, 2022
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