if you hang out with ur bros a bunch, and one of those bros is a chick, then bro+chick=brick
aight, bros and bricks are out to get mcChickens
by ginjy November 23, 2010
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To remove your pets genitals (usally male) by putting its balls between two bricks and slamming them together.
"Bob our cat kept fuckin' our neighbours dog so we gotim' bricked"
by Haydes October 6, 2007
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gettin a brick thrown threw yo shit!
1. yo dat bitch bricked my car
2. dont get yo momma house bricked nigga!
by Miss Kiara October 13, 2007
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Dude, this party is bricked, where are the ladies? Dude, I bricked out my whole life, I got the A.I.D.S.
by unsonny December 27, 2005
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Bricking is a effective dating method used by many desperate people
Bricking :
Guy: Hey baby let me get yo digits
Girl: Fuck you lame ass
at this time the male lets the female walk away as he grabs a brick from his back pocket and chucks it at his new found mate knocking her unconcious. Drags her by the hair in to the vehicle and does as he wishes
by Big Richard mcgee October 12, 2007
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