An act where a couple usually hide behind bushes or somewhere they can't be viewed. Then they dance and cuddle swaying side to side at a slow rhythm while kissing.
Arron: What are those two doing behind the trees?

James: Oh, I think there doing a Rowan.
by Its_True_No_Lies November 23, 2021
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Rowan is a girl or boy name but in this case it’s a girl name. Rowan is an amazing best friend to have. Rowan is always there for you and is great girlfriend if u have her as girlfriend. She can spawn animals.
Boy: “wow an animal!”

Girl: “that must be a Rowan”
by Meiscoolerthanyoi September 18, 2020
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Usually known to have the largest penis in his Woodward camp, has massive muscles, has a body count of 50 girls, mega straight and only has sex with “Jackson” and “aritz”.
Friend: Hey Rowan!
Rowan: Im surperior to you.
by ProSkater123 July 16, 2021
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An male name popular in the 21st century. With indian roots.
Watch as a wild Rowan eats chicken nuggets.
by RwanKk February 16, 2022
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Rowan is a beautiful girl with a big smile. She is always laughing and will laugh at almost ANYTHING. Rowan lights up a room as soon as she walks into it. Rowan has a great sense of humour and likes dank memes. She is very intelligent and she knows it. She is a very logical thinker and a realist. She strives for success and she won't let anyone get in the way of her goals. When you first meet her, she is shy. But when you get to know her she is really crazy! Everyone wants a Rowan in their life! She is loyal in relationships and she loves everyone around her.
Girl: Teacher, what did Rowan get on her math test?
Teacher: 100%, unlike the rest of you because she is a KwEeN
by The queen who wrote this October 1, 2021
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Amazing girl that always has a wet pussy. Likes boys with brown hair, green eyes, and glasses. She loves sucking dick. She only likes hot men.
Damn that girl named Rowan is so fine. I heard she fucked that really weird guy.
by Jacob Goehring April 15, 2022
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Rowan is a person with ASS like you have never seen
Dude, have you seen Rowan's ASS? Its unreal.
by Leo The Duckling September 25, 2022
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