A literal Irish goddess, dark and mysterious with the cutest smile. A woman with intense eyes and incredible sex appeal, often wild, curvaceous pin-up like brunette.

She’s a loyal and trustworthy friend everyone needs. She will fascinating you with her charm and weirdness that exudes confidence even though she doubts herself.

Very intelligent and intriguing, she’s a stunning woman who keeps her circle small and makes a great lifelong friend. Any man would be lucky to have her.

With a fiery temper she’s not afraid to back her friends till the end. She has a big heart and faithful to her partner. Can laugh at anything, communicate efficiently and makes a great leader.
Find your Kerri & never let her go.
by Anonymous8019 November 24, 2021
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AKA the 22 stone milf. A PHAT MILF who spoils her kids and has 5.6 x 10³ chins. Her kid is a racist and pedo.
U heard about Kerry baker g?
No, why?
She's a MILF!!!
by June 6, 2022
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Mother of Gavin Jew Gnik and married to Kyle Matthew God Knowlton.
Kyle Knowlton: Honey I'm home!
Kerry Knowlton: I'm so glad you're back!
by Darrell DeMoss April 14, 2022
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Jerry got participation L bozo imagine failing your guass contest after all that practice. Kerry has a huge fat juicy
by Kerry's Slave May 24, 2022
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Buddy said it best "He's an angry elf"
Person 1:Did you see Slayer's guitarist Kerry King?
Person 2: yeah, I think buddy said it best "He's an angry elf"
by CryptWalker13 August 1, 2020
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To crash a gathering of people in a public place simply based on the knowledge of said gathering, not by invitation.
Phil totally tried to pull a Kerry last night. I told him I was on a date at Denny's and he showed up!"
by RCamo November 15, 2010
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