Someone who uses Runescape to lure girls into his Dungeon and get them there by asking if they wanna see his 'dung level'
I went to a lads house last night and he took me up the dung, he called it the Tom Argos
by adam g123 July 3, 2022
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A young bald fellow who bathes with his father
Oh you are a right Tom Dixon, aren’t you
by Let me talk October 8, 2022
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complaining and yelling so loudly that customers think that you are "going postal;" walking around like Dwight Schrute; stalking; traveling to departments where you are not welcome; giving insight on current events that are only opinions made to sound like facts
That guy over there is getting all riled up. He's pulling a Tom
by BigFoot305 December 22, 2020
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a popular novel by Henry Fielding— the father of English novel.

summary: Tom at first brought by his real uncle Allworthy but his uncle doesn't know that. In the course of the novel, Tom makes relationship with Molly, Lady Bellaston, Mrs Waters, though he is in real love with Sophia. At last, Tom's real mother's identity is revealed and Allworthy, who kicked him outta the house being lied by Blifil, wills his property to the name of Tom Jones and disowns his step brother Blifil for deceptive personality.
Tom Jones novel is full of erotic encounters.
by typical Indian October 10, 2023
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When one poops in public places
Why is “Jane” in the bathroom for so long? They are tomming.
by Tming October 8, 2022
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When one poops in public places
Why is “Jane” in the bathroom for so long? They are tomming.
by Tming October 8, 2022
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Touching people inappropriately and not knowing what no means while thinking you're cool by looking like Harry Potter when everyone else knows that you don't because you're a dumb fuck.
"Why are you tomming? That's not okay?"
"You were just tommed by that guy. Why was he tomming?"
by Beaty McMeat November 9, 2019
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