A pair of white shoes, sometimes with a placard bearing the name of the victim, placed where a pedestrian died. Memorial of the person who was fatally injured at that location.
Today, I saw a new pair of ghost shoes on a utility pole at the intersection where that pedestrian was killed last week.
by graybiker October 27, 2022
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A pair of white shoes, sometimes with a placard with the name of the victim, placed where the pedestrian died. Memorial of the person who was fatally injured at that location.
Today, I saw a new pair of ghost shoes on a utility pole at the intersection where that pedestrian was killed last week.
by graybiker October 27, 2022
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When ur trolling someone then forget after a few min & start talking to someone else bc ur baked so u don’t finish the first convo & they think ur ghosting them
BF: BAE why didn’t you respond wth?!

GF: Sorry BAE didn’t mean to ghost u just troll u guess it’s a ghost troll now
by Bratarle June 16, 2020
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Ghost grannies are 2 ladies that hunt for ghosts. They are known as Anne and Renata.
Hey did you listen to the ghost grannies podcast?
by Westy3581 July 6, 2022
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The act of being being extremely close to hooking up with / pulling someone but then stopping at the critical moment. You know you could have got the whole way if you wanted to but you thought better of it, often because you have a girlfriend/boyfriend. Essentially, your "ghost" pulled, but you remained faithful.
Man 1: I must have ghost-pulled about 3 girls last night, they all wanted me so bad.
Man 2: Thats good you remained faithful to your girlfriend, you are such a top bloke.
by Cantona93 February 21, 2016
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The act of masturbating with the stranger but because you want to create your own word you call it a ghost ranger and pretend like it’s a shooting term
Let’s all head down range and pull a ghost ranger
by Dr.Brian February 19, 2022
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its when your a(bay area) weed drug dealer who has nothing better to do then drive around doing nothing wile wasting gas and slapping bay rap aka. thizz
x:danm cuz we been drivin for hella long, were are we goin?

y:you know im just out here " serv'in ghosts ",doin what we do

x:well shit lets go to the spot an burn one

y:you got a dollar for the swish

x:let me check,hmm..i got like 50 cents

y:well fuck a swish, looks like we gettin a pom pom
by mr.smelly belly December 21, 2010
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