To trap or to listen to trap music all day.
My day was rather trapful.
by djveetwentythree April 10, 2015
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On the day 8/8 we all trap all people named Dorothy inside of anything,Rooms,Basements,Bathrooms, just anything.
,,Hey! let's trap Dorothy somewhere today! it's national trap a Dorothy day!''
by Evanushka August 8, 2022
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A Charlie trap is a person who hasn't grown since they were 10 years old, and they could easily dress like a girl and get away with it, thus being a trap.
Mike: Dude that girl is probably a charlie trap.

Dylan: Really? That would make sence.
by MichaelsParkingLot April 15, 2017
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I have been trapped in this basement for 30 years, I'm dying, there are no more rats for me to kill. My body is eating itself I am writing for the hope someone sees this and gets me out of this basement I am dying
I'm trapped and I have been trying to get out for 15 years I am hoping and praying for God to let me out pray for me whoever sees this I am no longer able to drink my pee I am dying I ran out of food 5 days ago
by Imbored9876 September 27, 2023
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When a bearded man is going down on a questionable street professional and her crabs get infested into his beard
He had to shave his beard off after get caught in the Alabama Crab Trap last week
by Ridge Reaper March 11, 2021
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happy trap friday, yall better get hangry!
by werndawg April 28, 2022
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