Federal Penetantiary located above the Hudson River. Also known as The Hudson High School for Underprivileged Girls . Although it is known by some to produce commissioned officers for the United States Army; its primary purpose is to make Navy's football team look good. Populated by Cadets; applicants must either obtain a nomination from their congressman, or accept attendance there as an alternative to a lengthy prison term. Remarkably, it defies the time-space contiuum in that though it is only about 50 miles from the center of New York City; it is nearly 1000 miles from civilization. It is also located immediately to the north of a small anthopological dig known as "The Highland Falls Project." Tourists are encouraged to roll their windows up when driving near or past the United States Military Academy as people have complained about having diplomas thrown into their cars.
He didn't get accepted to the Naval Academy, so he had to go to the United States Military Academy.
by Marine Cannoneer December 22, 2011
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A leadership institution that has no intrest in developing Army leaders, instead is focused on producing a winning football team...
Pulling fire alarms falsely is a federal crime, unless its to support the United States Military Acadamy football team.
by cadoodle November 9, 2007
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Meaning “the art of war”, this is the name used by a group of Viking wannabes. Based in Launceston, Tasmania, this group is peopled by drug addicts, thugs, thieves and misogynists.
“Those Ars Militaris guys owe me money
by Sticks&Stones July 9, 2020
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The person who wrote the definition above this should probably think about going to COLLEGE him/herself. Can you spell?

Some who join the military do act this way, and expect something from everyone because they are in the service. However, the majority of service members are proud to defend their country and do not suffer from MIC. In all actuality, many civilians suffer from MIC, harboring feelings of jealousy and anger towards those who are in the military. These feelings commonly stem from the fact that they themselves are not happy with their own life and feel it necessary to bash those who protect them. Those civilians with MIC become more vocal during times of war, which shows how unappreciative and silly many people can be.
Disgruntled worker at establishment that gives military discount: "Why do people in the military get a discount? They expect a discount on everything. They all have Military Inferiority Complex (MIC)!"
by Don'tBeSoStupid April 9, 2010
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When your playing fortnite with neohelix713 and he uses the ex millitary soccermom
Me: Hey neo!
Neo: bEeP bEeP LeTTuce
~Neo transforms into ex military soccer mom ~
by llamakinng October 29, 2018
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an inferiority complex simular to short guy syndrome, but is found in military personal of any stature.
MIC is based on the fact that they belive that by joining the military they should be looked up to and respected, when realy they only joined because That is the only way they could pay for collage.
Man that doushbag has MIC bad.. he thinks that he is "bad" and a real "boss" just because he is in the army.

Just because White trash joins the army and develops military inferiority complex (MIC)dosnt mean that i am going to roll out the red carpet for him!
by asdferw August 4, 2006
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a: Woman married to someone in the military that reports pictures, pages and posts that Soldiers/ Marines/ Airmen/ Seamen(Sailor) put on a social networking site to entertain themselves while deployed.


a : Woman married to someone in the military that is overly passionate about things others write or say and obsesses over proving their point to the point where they look stupid.

b : Woman married to someone in the military associated with copious amounts of drama, signs include talking about a specific person behind their back after they've been trusted, singling out another woman to get "even", and calling whore, slut, ho whenever they get a chance.

c : A product of marrying someone in the military and confuses this with being IN the military

See Verb: OSMW-ing


a: The process of becoming OVERLY passionate about a topic or subject related to the military or a military member, to the point of insane emotional outbursts.
An OSMW - Overly Sensitive Military Wife is someone who:

A) Sits at home and pops out babies while never getting a job. Resulting in = dependopotomousness.

B) Rocks her husbands dog tags... daily.

C) Rocks a Brag Bag ... daily.

D) A Twinkie eater.
by Dependotot February 2, 2012
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