Someone who thinks is fucking raw. They act like they're the hardest thug but they're a bitch. They think they're in a gang with the other jackasses. They do drugs to think they're fly but they can't handle it. They're pussies are so little that they can't drive and someone should take the keys away from them. Anyone can play them with a simple text and make them look like dorks on camera lol. They have no swag because they're modern day asswipes. The best way for them to get a restart with their lives would be to join the military. They don't sell drugs and they're all broke fuckups. The people that sell drugs to them are the ones hustling and laughing at them. There's so many police around them that it's embarrasing. They cry at night and love eating dirt yeah.
Guy 1- "Foo that guy is a straight mark. He/she has all the police on him/her."

Guy 2- "He's/She's a goddamn jackass no bullshit. Bitch is gonna get curbstomped."
by umbreonxxx February 15, 2021
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Someone who posts urban dictionary descriptions of their name and then brags about them on Instagram
People think I'm an utter jackass because I posted a story of a random pseudo philosophical phrase on Instagram
by A random pig November 20, 2021
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Do not sabotage the situation by engaging in risky behavior that will jeapordise the greater good. Popular used by the prime minister of trinidad and tobago to warn citizens during covid lockdown.
Don't jackass the thing by going to zezzer parties during lockdown.
by November 24, 2021
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One who forces their beliefs down ones throat and will do everything he can to discredit your argument.
See also: Progressive
Person 1: Man, that person is always talking about his beliefs, even when I already said I accept people for who they are. Who would do that?
Person 2: A Political Jackass
by dr.cerealguy November 5, 2015
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Left Lane Jackass (LLJ): A person driving in the left lane on a highway either at the speed limit or usually slightly below the limit AND the following conditions are present: 1) Another car or cars is behind them wanting to go faster; 2) The person driving is completely unaware of his or her surroundings.

The following conditions are not necessary for the definition, but are frequently observed: There is a blinker flashing and the driver is completely unaware of it and has no intention of changing lanes, and 2) The driver may be talking on a cell phone, putting on make-up, or daydreaming.

Supporting evidence includes: The drivers behind the LLJ appear pissed off, and 2) drivers behind the LLJ are usually tail-gaiting and flashing their lights, however, this usually has no effect, due to condition #2 of the definition.
Passenger: "Hey, is there a traffic jam ahead?"
Driver: No, it's another left lane jackass.
Passenger: Just get a little closer to him, I'm sure he'll move over when he notices us.
Driver: He's frigging clueless, and doesn't even know that I'm 12 inches from his bumper. I think he's talking on his cell phone.
by MeDavebo September 29, 2014
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