this card counters the infinite no you. the person who tries to counter any of the cards crafted by this creatorhas thousand light year+ infinite gay and cannot be countered

by anything in existence.
no you

infinite no you

extremely infinite no you
by spotlight ah moonlight ah September 11, 2022
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An Infiniti luxury vehicle with an Infinity sound system.

A vehicle best suited to go to Infinity and beyond?

I work at a car dealership and I've yet to see an Infiniti make with an Infinity stereo. If I did see one, I would call it an "Infinite Infiniti."
by vehilcegirl October 16, 2010
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a word that i created, infinite conception is a math term that is infinite 1es where it goes like 1e1e1e1e and so on. if you want to make a complete one, then do something like infinite conception 6 where at the end it would be to 1e6, but there is no end to it soo but still, thats how you use it
by SoulZeno March 3, 2019
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use as describing the terrible situation on 4e by a comedian Mr. Sin Gui, including Singyin students cant use the 珠珠 of a ball pen to reduce friction. The poor handwriting of the Singyin boys and the brilliant physics test result of 4E boys(which his primary 3 son can easily finish the task. Directly caused Sin Gui desperately cry: 我覺得聖言仔真係喺度無限沉底
1. even my primary 3 son can finish this task, I think that singyin boys are really infinitely sinking!

連我三年班個仔都識隔行書寫,我覺得聖言仔真係喺度無限沉底(infinitely sinking)
by sin gui November 22, 2022
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an asian kid who cheats in czl-o playoffs, thinks he's a prodigy and is very asian and writes bad lyrics, and listens to bad music. HE's LYRICS WILL MAKE YOU CRY CUZ THEY'RE SOOO BAD.
infinite synopsis is a stupid asian hacker
by kronikalz July 27, 2006
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this really is an < this is an infinite loop >
this is an infinite loop
this is an infinite loop
this is an infinite loop
this is an infinite loop
this is an infinite loop
this is an infinite loop
this is an infinite loop
this is an infinite loop
this is an infinite loopthis is an infinite loop
this is an infinite loopthis is an infinite loopthis is an infinite loopthis is an infinite loopthis is an infinite loop
this is an infinite loopthis is an infinite loopthis is an infinite loopthis is an infinite loopthis is an infinite loopthis is an infinite loopthis is an infinite loopthis is an infinite loop
And so on.....
by r/woooooooooooooooooooosh August 9, 2022
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