this creepy guy keeps messaging me. i should Emergency SoS him
by lawquizox September 30, 2020
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An Emergency BacktheFuckup list is the third tier of your emergency contact list formation. First is your Emergency contact list i.e. immediate family/partner, Emergency Contact Backup i.e. close friends and family, then the Emergency Contact BacktheFuckup List i.e. are the people that come through 75 percent of the time 50 percent of the time
Andrea says “ I’m going for surgery on Thursday, your on my Emergency BacktheFuckup List”
Tony says “Why am I not on your Emergency Contact list”
Andrea says “Just kidding dawg, you know your on that top level list”
by TWooo January 2, 2023
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Flapping around with your hands like dumb flippers and tunnel vision when something shocking happens.
I roll up on a this bike crash and I'm trying to dial 911 but my hands went all emergency dolphin and it took four tries
by flukeskybalker April 27, 2022
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Any bar or tavern on your way home from work.
Man, I really need to stop at a Minor Emergency Clinic after work today!
by coolarrow January 31, 2011
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A common phrase used by FREM personnel in an attempt to sound knowledgeable on the radio while informing their manner of response.
Medic 12-1 enroute to SRMC non-emergent
by alrightythen540 March 7, 2018
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That pair of old socks on your dresser you only put on when you're in a hurry and can't spare the time to find another pair.
Bro 1: Dude you got ready quick.

Bro 2: Yeah, I saved a bunch of time by putting on my emergency socks.

Bro 1: Nice~.
by Mathlete007 July 29, 2015
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