Usually a very skinny, average height boy who thinks he's hot but actually he's like a 6/10. Has a very high ego and treats people like shit (talks behind others' backs and talks how all women are ugly)
Rene ben has a small penis
by Child pred March 8, 2022
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Brittne-Rene is the sweetest and kindest soul you will ever meet. She is a life partner. She feels so deeply and loves so pure. She is loyal and hard working. She is a fighter and a lover. She is one of a kind. Brittne-Rene is your ride or die. She will never leave you or forsake you. She could have anyone she wants but once she wants you, she only wants you.
Brittne-Rene is a lifesaver.
by November 22, 2021
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Brittne-Rene is the sweetest and kindest soul you will ever meet. She is a life partner. She feels so deeply and loves so pure. She is loyal and hard working. She is a fighter and a lover. She is one of a kind. Brittne-Rene is your ride or die. She will never leave you or forsake you. She could have anyone she wants but once she wants you, she only wants you.
Brittne-Rene is a lifesaver.
by November 22, 2021
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A scary, sexy, disgusting, ancient, fat, ginormous, terrifying, uncontrolled, crazy mofo. Is my mother, but is also not a female and kind of a man but not really. More of an animal than anything. Rene is deranged. She is a stripper. Her shift is from 8-8(pm-am) she is also a sex offender and child molester. She is a drug addict. She also is a doctor and a ranging alcoholic. The best way to describe rene is: velcro. She is.... nvm. When people stand up when she enters a room, she thinks it’s out of respect but it’s out of fear because she causes earthquakes with her strides. She is gay. Uncle.
Everyone run, rene (pro. mean w/ an r) is coming!
by pshshshsk May 7, 2020
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An act that occurs when an individual jumps into the middle of a very simple conversation extremely confused and having no idea what is occurring
Dude Mathew just came out of nowhere while we were talking and was totally pulling a rene
by Crowley_95 February 15, 2018
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Is where your knee start hurting for no reason
Damian couldn’t play in the nba anymore because of Rene syndrome
by ClitSlammer January 25, 2021
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