Someone who lives and breathes with just the right amount of effort and intensity; not too little, not too much.
Booboo said; "I am also a moderate mango. Everything in moderation". He's so adorable
by HotRat December 8, 2017
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Also known as a discord mod. Someone who runs a discord server, stereotypically they like Minecraft, don’t shower, and have a discord kitten that they give free nitro to
God I can’t believe Dylan is actually a Discord Moderator
by DAmnokthen February 28, 2022
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A Fatty Fat Fuckin Fat Pedophile who moderates discord servers
Discord Moderator : I heard you're 14 ;)

Catfisher with anime profile pic : uwu, im totally a female.
by Ant Guy May 18, 2023
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aka., a Discord pedophile. Calls girls who use Discord "kittens", slides into underage girls DM's, asks for nudes, and much, much more. Usually has an IQ below 100.
Discord Moderator: "Hey kitten, mind sending me some pictures so I can do 'something' with them? :3"
Girl: "ew no"
by anonymous200020 June 17, 2023
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a 661 man waiting for a furry to type in chat so that he is gonna try and take her as his wife by (verbally molesting her)
furry girl:i like water

some weirdo:hi "kitty cat" i am the DISCORD MODERATOR HERE in my 4 people discord be my wife u love the same stuff i like pls marry me ill give you admin
by terronador September 15, 2022
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someone who has no life and moderates on discord all day and is mostly fat.
person 1: yo wanna go to the park
person 2: nah i cant.
person 1: your such a discord moderator smh
by yoboyaaron April 9, 2023
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Usually a thirty to forty year old man who likes to apply for moderator applications and enjoy listening to fourteen year old girls say “owo” on Discord calls. They never have left their bedroom nor touched or seen grass before. Most Discord moderators are obese, and you'd be lucky to find an opposite. If you get in trouble with a Discord moderator, it's usually a ban right in the face unless you have a anime profile picture and say your a single fourteen year old.
Friend 1: “Have you seen Eric? He hasn't been to school in four days.”
Friend 2: “He's been crying in his bedroom since he was rejected.”
Friend 1: “He's been skipping school over some girl?”
Friend 2: “No, you got the wrong idea. He's a Discord moderator. He got rejected from the ‘Kitten Girl Fan Club’ Discord server.”

Friend 1: “Oh, damn.”
by Idgaf Anymore December 23, 2022
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