A women with a massive cabeza. Beyond insane with lust for destruction.
I need a Marissa like I need headache.
by marissah8r June 19, 2022
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Marissa is the type of girl that loves the chase more then the actual relationship. She will you with you and get close, but once it gets on the verge of being something.. poof she’s gone. But her personality and looks always wins you back and becomes an endless loop.
Man #1: what’s up with that guy, I can never tell if he is dating her or not.
Man#2: I’m pretty sure he’s stuck in the Marissa loop
by The boy who won November 23, 2021
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a non-intelligent woman that is in the 25th year of life. Consistently talks incorrect slurs. Things she's a thug and survives on the streets. No regards for anyone.
Marissa Fornataro uses dawg in all of her sentences.
by Justdoit July 4, 2017
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Definitely an icon of Broadway and beyond. Took a character, and made her a role model for girls and women everywhere. Made Tracy a living legend, and went on to win the entire world 👏👏
Marissa Jaret Winokur won Celebrity Big Brother of course. See that girl? She was Marissa’s protege and now she’s a star, obviously.
by Jeri Winslow November 22, 2021
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a very fine person who has the most beautiful blue eyes and blonde/brunetter hair, who's very athletic and is very funny. Someone who got the dance moves and energy but also very quiet. Someone who makes u blush just by them smirking. They are is angelic like everything around them blurs and u only see them because theyre so majestic. Everyone knows them and they have sm friends, theyre sweet thoughtful and overall a great person. they make u wanna kiss them and fall for them so bad
yo you know marissa weber

nah but I heard she's so fine
by lemonstinkpie January 19, 2023
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marissa ruoloto is one of the greatest people you’ll ever meet in your life. she makes you laugh and smile without even trying to! if you got her, don’t ever let her go because she is so perfect. she has the greatest bestfriends and friends by her side. she will always stick up for you when you need it. whenever you talk to her, you smile and laugh! she’s super gorgeous, kind, and smart all at one time.
yo marissa ruoloto is so gorgeous!
by bpb808 April 21, 2019
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