the most slay and beautiful girlfriend ever- and very good at guitar and drawing. she is good at making anyone laugh but especially her gf. wishes she was a vampire (might actually be one?)
girl 1: "omg who is that girl with the septum? do you think she's single?"
girl 2: "That's Makayla. I heard she's dating some girl named Maria"
Maria: "I'm her girlfriend, now back off."
by peebeepoobers100 September 27, 2022
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the hottest person you'll ever meet 😳 literally. like once you see her, your gonna fall Inlove. she'll probably steal your man, she's super loyal, nice, and be lucky for her to even know you exist
by Not Ivan :( December 20, 2020
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OOOO BABY she’s a baddie and a half. A mixed girl that hangs out with the white cchicks. She’s actually genuinely nice and SUPPER intelligent, but likes to think she’s not. She can be a bit of a bitch when she’s angry, sarcasm through the roof. everyone loves her to death styll. honestly the best energy at parties. A gorgeous gal and one of the best friends you could ask for.
Liam: Hey, do you know makayla?
Aidan: Yeah! She was at my party last night BRO I fucking love that bitch
Liam: She had a test the next day and aced it
Aidan: what CAN’T she do???
by NoahEzreeeee November 26, 2020
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Low integrity person who only plays the games they’re good at bc they can’t except the fact they are subpar. They then proceed to gaslight the game sender for exposing their weakness’s.
I sent her the archery game but she’s being a real Makayla and sent back another game instead
by Izzo13 October 10, 2023
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Tha hard delmann heigkhts bitc .
“Makayla soso Gk
by Themostmagical November 23, 2021
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Makayla is a kind, caring, and outgoing person. She gets along with everyone and is always there to help you if you need it. She is extremely athletic and usually has brown hair, blue eyes, and plays volleyball. They usually are always game to work out and abs are their favorite day. Makaylas are the types of girls who someone would write a song about.
“Dude that Makayla girl is so good at volleyball.”
“I know right. I bet you I could write a killer song about her gorgeous eyes and the amazing personality.”
by aboomdalacaca April 30, 2022
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Makayla is a very nice person....And she is one of a kind bestie if you ain't got one go get one ... Makayla is an amazing person and she is gorgeous.
by Alergamees May 29, 2021
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