A song by Lil Wayne that also features Jay-Z, both of which have the last name of Carter. The song is asking about where "Mr. Carter" has been, and both of them reply that they have been around the world, and back again.
Wayne is making his 3peat in this album, while Jay-Z has been in a retirement stage for a few years.
Speaker: "Hey Mr. Carter"
Jay-Z/Lil Wayne : "Hello"
Speaker: "Tell me where you been"
Jay-Z/Lil Wayne: "You know"
by Prequel2TheCquel July 31, 2008
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The drummer, percussionist and 1/2 of the rhythm section for the Dave Matthews Band, known for his marathon solos, thundering, lightning quick beats, and drum tricks. The name is pronounced (bo-ferd) but is commonly mispronounced. Common considered one of the greatest drummers of the alternative rock era, he has done side projects with several bands and his influence resounds through the world and music industry.
"Carter Beauford on the drums! Carter Beauford on the drums! That's my good friend Carter Beauford right there on the drums!"
by Your Little Brother July 3, 2006
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Also known as Agent 13, Sharon Carter was a SHIELD agent. She stole Cap’s Shield back in Captain America: Civil War which caused her to go on the run to Madripoor. She currently resides in Hightown.
I love Sharon Carter!”
Really? Me too!”
by mcuolsen April 9, 2021
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Rupert: Where's John
Hugo: He's gone to Henry Carter outside
Rupert: Sweet geez
by Hugo Harlotbreath March 1, 2019
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stupid, idiotic, someone who dyes their hair blonde because they're insecure about their nature color, though they look better brunette.

someone who rubs makeup on their face to a consistancy so that it looks like peanut butter.
What's on her face?
Ughh..she's SUCH a carter-speck!
WHERE'S THE JELLY, carter-speck?
by peachykeane December 7, 2009
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When your boyfriend fucks you really hard and fast.
“ Clarence Carter! Clarence Carter! Clarence Carter! Oooo Clarence Carter!” Damn baby, you’re fucking so fast
by Back Door Santa September 8, 2021
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a) A baksetball player who played for the Toronto Raptors in his prime, rising to stardom in his rookie year and perhaps the fastest athlete in history to completely sweep across North Amierca because of his stunning athleticism. Single-handedly lifted the completely lackluster Raptors franchise from their ineptitude and put them in a position where they were one shot away from the Eastern Conference Finals in 2001

b) A gravity-defying basketball player who possesses unexplainable jaw-dropping athleticism, including the combination of jumping ability and body control, which has lead to his mastery in the execution of his flawless-looking motions in his slam dunks, from the point of take-off to landing. Still tagged as the Greatest Dunker of All Time, his display of artistry in dunking was demonstrated in the 2000 Slam Dunk Contest through his originality/creativity (the 360 windmill, the first mid-air-catch between the legs dunk, elbow hang, and later on the dunk which he literally jumped OVER a 7 footer which was considered the greatest dunk of all time) and flair as it fired the imagination of many basketball fans. The man who completely redefined the word "Dunk" and turned post-2000 slam dunk contests inferior to the one in which he participated.

c) The man who also had an unstoppable arsenal to his all-round game in which he would bury a 3 pointer if u stepped back or blown past you for a dunk or acrobatic layup if u guarded too tightly. Demonstrated in the third game of the 2001 Playoffs of the second round against Philadelphia in which he buried a record breaking eight 3 pointers in the first half.

d) A basketball player who now plays for the New Jersey Nets after a requested trade because of his frustration with losing and made the RIGHT choice because he was beginning to age and had to move on. A player criticized in his final years as a Raptor who lost his gifted physical abilities after a series of severe knee injuries and surgery and was accused of his effortless and passionless attitude on the court, then booed by his own fans who are too stupid to appreciate what he has done for the franchise, how the Raptors would have been nothing and how the franchise could have moved out of Toronto if it weren't for him.

e) the man who brought basketball to Canada, and will always be remembered for it. Thank you Vince.
There is no question that Vince Carter is the greatest dunker of all time.
by wayne15 September 26, 2005
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