Someone who gave another person head in a vehicle
Oh yeah, Martha and I had a great time tonight, but I think shes more of one to be a car blower.
by cookiedough303 January 3, 2020
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The act of putting cocaine in a persons butthole, and having them fart it into your face so it can be snorted mid air.
Before T-money went outside to blow the snow off the drive April gave him a Snow Blower
by Kaden6ix October 18, 2022
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When you get so frustrated and desperate after 2 months of non-stop snow storms, that you are willing to blow the first guy with a shovel, that knocks on your door, in order to get your property cleared, and dig your car out. Different from an ordinary whore with a pizza delivery boy, in that you are only blowing said person because of the copious amounts of snow, and possibly some cabin fever. Very common in rural areas!
This Winter in the Northeast was so bad that it turned all of the women, and a few guys I know too, into Snow-Blowers. I'm just glad I was able to help out all of my neighbors, and save them the inconvenience of shoveling, while getting more than $10 and a cup of hot coco. I can't wait until next year. I'm hoping all the Global Warming nonsense is just something the government is making up. I might move to Buffalo! Let it snow, let it snow!!!
by Tonytoys March 7, 2015
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When a guy dips his dick in water and freezes it. Then a girl gives him a blowjob.
My girlfriend burnt her tongue. So she gave me a snow blower.
by carveaham March 8, 2015
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A blower of fannies. But it's actually what fans were called in the 1900's
"Turn off the fanny blower, Micheal! You're going to raise the power bill!"
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