A cute young white teenage boy who love romantic movies and long walks on the beach. He shaves his legs as he says it makes him run faster away from the girls. He runs away from the girls because he called their best friends a whale.
by Ihatecraneandgates January 23, 2018
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When someone takes a top of a muffin, places it Over top of a ass whole and the person farts the muffin top into the others mouth.
Yo me and Sam went muffin topping together last week, had a godly time.
by Top muffin topper December 3, 2019
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a person(s) who take a shit out in a field
you and your friends are out walking somewhere and there's not a bathroom in site, one of them has to take a shit. Your friend then says damn guys i gotta crap. Then as he walks off you point and laugh and say "ha what a medow muffin"
by The Muffinator January 27, 2007
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A community 2 fans of the most famous Minecraft trio on youtube: "The Trio" have made, and are trying to grow it.
It's consisted of an informational website, a discord server and a Minecraft server
Keep in mind, all types of communism are supported here, so no bueno if you are capitalist spy.
Since January 31st - February 1st (depending on timezones) 2020, "The Trio", the main focus of this community, has split apart and has lost the member known as "Skeppy", and now consists of "BadBoyHalo" and "a6d".
A: Hey did you join the muffin gang discord?
B: Yeah, it's great, you should too, expect pingspoofers
A: Do they serve thin crust?
B: I'm not sure, ask them.
by BurnedPinguin February 3, 2020
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A fucken fine ass boi with a heart full of love and a head full of anime and Kpop trash.



Yes I had to put that three times because it’s the truth
Toll in the smollest way
Massive bubbly personality that I just wanna eat up

Humongous uwu supplies
Just a bloody lovely human if I’m honest dear lord am I LUCKYYY
My choc-chip banana Muffin
by toastedtoast February 11, 2019
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A Muffin full of drugs or sweets, that makes people think it is magical, therefore buying or eating more.
"Here Tim, eat my Muffin"

"Wow, it's a Magical Muffin, I can see what's gonna happen in the future"
by BishopBaggins June 29, 2013
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When a really fat chick's gut hangs over her waistband and below her shirt.
Dude 1: Oh man, that chick has massive, nasty muffin top

Dude 2: No man, muffin top is in the back, that is a muffin gut with a side of shirt fail!
by theqaking2 October 11, 2013
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