A fat girl with typhus on her rolls
I was about to pull out but I remember she got a rubber muffin
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Stuffing male part into females muffin.
I’m going to be stuffin your muffin tonight. Cause I’m the Muffin Stuffer Man.
by RCM-HMC October 9, 2021
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A thin and fragile white woman that others would describe as a “mud shark” or “snow bunny
Oh your know Destiny? She’s such a easy muffin!
by Evilgay February 19, 2022
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What your boyfriend calls you when he adores you.
My sweet puffy fluffy muffin chocolate. You are just too cute.
by princheska May 28, 2020
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Love handles / muffin top Excessive fat carried around the lower torso.
Oh girl. Look at them muffin knobs. Better lay off the Twinkies.
by A_cunning_linguist June 8, 2013
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To smoke pot and get high. Occasionally used as code among teen friends and peers.
Pot head 1: Hey, lets meet later at my place and bake some muffins.

Pot head 2: Okay, I'll see you later.
by Pot head 1 May 27, 2011
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When a person wears pants tight enough to create a "muffin top" and a man fucks the folds of the "muffin top", ejaculating between the folds. Continuing or movement after causes the semen to become frothy and creamy, similar to a milkshake.
"Have you ever had a muffin milkshake?"
"Dude, I gave Alexa a muffin milkshake last night!"
by Tho'adu August 11, 2022
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