A beat car is a police car that patrols a defined area.
by Luiz Leitao October 13, 2018
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A car that every "car guy" aka stupid 5 year olds will brag about how tesla sucks and them mk4 supra is better and stuff
Very gud def not 5 year old car guy: tEsLa CaRs SuCk 1!1
Person with logic: shut the fuck up little timmy.
by Msdicksucker July 24, 2023
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New cars like Bugattis, Lambos, and Ferraris that have no history and are only for rappers and rich white kids.
-"Did you see John's new lambo"
-"Yeah, i hate plastic cars. Classics are better"
by Camaro Cameron August 1, 2018
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When you truly love the looks, feel, and power of an automobile.
after seeing that 1957 Fairlane Jason won't stop looking at pictures of it, he must have some kind of Car Lust.
by TheCatOfAges April 8, 2021
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some who is useless and gets nothing done and lives off their dad
their a cody car
by Wyau October 7, 2022
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