When someone walks into a room and seeds an argument over an intentionally dividing subject, and gets everyone upset with each other, and then casually leaves as the arguments continue to brew.
A group of close co-workers and I were having lunch in the cafeteria, when out of nowhere, Karen from accounting walks through and says "It's perfectly natural for Tom Brady to kiss his son on the lips.". Moments later, the anger and arguments between everyone defending their points of view had escalated to a point where nobody even noticed Karen had already left. Karen is a master at social cropdusting; she does it all the time. Karen is a bitch.
by USABooty June 9, 2023
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: an organized program of socioeconomic reform; specifically: activity on the part of an interested group directed toward some particular institutional change a committee for the prevention of juvenile delinquency through social action
Malala took social action when she couldn't receive an education in the Swat valley
by Eatdatknowledge445 November 27, 2017
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The alienation of certain people from society to the point of being forgotten, excluded or ignored in society.
The prejudice surrounding people who have different opinions exacts a social death than a real physical death.
by Word Madman April 12, 2022
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the cheaters way to quit smoking

a pack of cigarettes purchased by a smoker attempting to quit via giving away some of their pack

a pack of cigarettes shared by two or more persons
"I basically quit smoking"

"But you're smoking a cigarette as we speak?"

"These aren't mine, its a social pack."
by snyderemarker May 11, 2014
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Мусорчок по русски : very offensive term for poor, uneducated, underemployed or unederemployed people of any race whose main goal in life is to anger the pope or to reform the Church engaging in sporadic flashes of mob violence or civil disobedience when a certain political , social, or cultural event doesn't turn out in their favor.
Whether it's Ferguson, Missouri after the Michael Brown case or Vancouver, Canada in 2011 after the Canucks lost The Stanley Cup or a rock concert that in ends with overturned police cars, the root causes of social trash violence are always sociologically based.
by Sexydimma November 27, 2014
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(Мусорчок по русски) : very offensive term for poor, uneducated, underemployed or underemployed people of any race whose main goal in life is to anger the pope or to reform the Church by engaging in sporadic flashes of mob violence or civil disobedience when a certain political , social, or cultural event doesn't turn out in their favor.
Whether it's Ferguson, Missouri in late 2014 or Vancouver, Canada in 2011 after the Canucks lost The Stanley Cup or a rock concert that in ended with overturned police cars, the root causes of social trash mob violence must always be first examined from a sociological perspective before jumping to political conclusions.
by Sexydimma February 8, 2015
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(Мусорчок по русски) : very offensive term for poor, uneducated, underemployed or underemployed people of any race whose main goal in life is to anger the pope or to reform the Church by engaging in sporadic flashes of mob violence or civil disobedience when a certain political , social, or cultural event doesn't turn out in their favor.
Whether Vancouver, Canada in 2011 after the Canucks lost The Stanley Cup or a rock concert that in ended with overturned police cars, the root causes of social trash mob violence must always be first examined from a sociological perspective before jumping to any pundit-like political conclusions.
by Sexydimma December 4, 2016
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