A whore whore is someone who uses the word whore as a suffix or second part of a noun too much.
Kelsey the whorewhore called Megan a fuckwhore and her boyfriend a computerwhore, or nerd. Whore,whorewhore. h0r. h0rnee. horny. horn-ee. Well anyways, she called me a ‘horn whore’.. That whore whore.
by Victor Van Styn September 25, 2005
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1. full of whores
2. so awful, it can not just be described by the word "awful"
"My internet exploded."
"That's whoreful."
by jankit November 23, 2007
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to be made fun of horribly.
Yo dat pimp got whored son!
by charley watts April 10, 2004
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1. (n) A person who will sleep with nearly anyone (sometimes regardless of gender) for financial gain.

The adjective form of "Whore" would be "Whore-like" or "Whore-ish", and can be used to describle style of dress or behaviors that would correspond with a whore.

"Whore" is most often used when referring to a female who exhibits said characteristics. When in reference to males, the term "Man-Whore" is often used.

See also: slut
Guy: "Hey, how much for a blowjob?"

Whore: "$50 bucks."

Guy: "Sounds good", *ziiip* "Get to work."
by phroot August 21, 2008
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The action that whores do when they are trying to get someone to pay attention to them.Propersitioning them or Dancing up against them or whatever
"OMG look at that chick!"
"yeah, shes totally whoring herself out to him"
by *pout* March 3, 2007
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Minor annoyance. You're not really mad at them, but sitll kinda pissed.
"Hey, who ate the last doughnut?"

"I did."

by Megan March 2, 2005
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Woman who leaves her family to have paid sexual encounters with strangers, to support her weed habit. i.e. Christina Benzon
My baby mamma would rather be a WHORE than tend to her kids...
by Extra mannish February 26, 2010
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