I cannot do it. Put a bullet in my fucking brains.
I need to sleep. I also need to wake up. I can't do the former and don't want to do the latter. I want to feed my skull meat some lead.
by Hym Iam October 24, 2020
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n. 1) death; 2) the state of being dead; v. to die
"If you slip that'll git you sleep!"

"You move in on Ice and you're goin' to sleep!"

by Big B March 10, 2003
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Not thinking/acting right or Trippin'
"Imma hitt up your sister after work"
"Ni66a you sleep"
by herndon720 November 30, 2011
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when an individual is feeling tiresome, exhausted, and droopy when they have not gotten enough sleep the night prior.
-"bro, you got the sleeps?
-"yeah man, i couldn't sleep till 2 last night."
by the dog boss February 27, 2017
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