A person who is a fan of the American grunge band Nirvana, which was formed in 1987. Unfortunately, the lead singer, Kurt Cobain, shot himself on April 5 of 1994, and was found by an electrician on April 8. Bassist Chris Novoselic and drummer Dave Grohl made the right choice of disbanding in order to keep Nirvana's inspiration, rather than try to find a new singer. Kurt Cobain was the only singer who could've fit the piece. No one will ever forget that. Nirvana fans everywhere are just people who were inspired by Kurt Cobain's work, and wish for him to at last find nirvana in death.
"Dude, which one is better? Pearl Jam or Nirvana?"
"Nirvana. I'm a total nirvana fan."
by ricerodriguez October 31, 2009
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A self coined theory in which an object or thing loses all likability due to much discussion of said object or thing.

Named after the event when a certain person spoke about Nirvana too much, causing it to not be likable anymore.
Person A: "I love this car so much."

Person B: "I used to like it but now I don't."

Person A: "Why not?"

Person B: "The Nirvana Effect"
by Ongu June 16, 2014
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The peace of mind one feels when his grade is such that an A is no longer achievable but at the same time there is no way for his grade to sink to a C. Characterized by extreme apathy and laziness
Brian: Hey are you gonna study for this test tomorrow?
Gary: Hell no I'm in B nirvana so no matter what happens my grade ain't going anywhere
by Jakey Simmons June 3, 2011
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1.) The logo for the best band to ever exist, drawn by Kurt Cobain.
2.) The face hardcore grungers make when they hear Kurt's epic screams. Like an O Face, but way more intense.
1.) smiley face with a squigly mouth and "X" eyes, tongue hanging out.
2.) usually with eyes closed, mouthing whatever Kurt happens to be singing. " Whoa, what's she doing?" "Doood, that's her Nirvana face." "sexy."
by THE REAL Grungegirl August 9, 2009
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The highest level of frat possible for a bro to achieve.

One can only reach this sacred level by completing various tasks such as but not limited to:
- Purchasing and owning a Jeep (Cherokee not included)
- Losing virginity (Twice)
- Leaving no alcohol undrank at the function

- Being the hardest and steeziest jit at all gatherings

And many more that haven’t been discovered yet.

It is said that Fraternal Nirvana is just a legend and cannot possibly be achieved, but some die hard believers still cling to the hope that they may one day reach this legendary status.
Brodie 1: NAWW admiral toting the Jersey-Over-Hoodie combo, no way jit ain’t leaving with tail!
Brodie 2: Bombopreesh allat🤘Caught me tryna reach that Fraternal Nirvana.
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The ultimate partying experience - getting completely hammered while never embarrassing yourself. If you wake up with only happy memories, positive stories from others of the things you don't remember, and no hangover, you have achieved party nirvana.
Kari: Whoa I had such a fun night last night, I was so shwasted

Leila: Yeah you came home and didn't get sick or anything, you were just really happy and funny
Kari: It was such a fun night, I'm not even hungover this morning
Leila: Dude I think you reached party nirvana
by work_hard_play_harder September 3, 2014
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when someone is at the life peak of a bro

got a good girl
making money
good at what he does
doesn't even need to fap
and does not need to work much
Friend:yo you know jimmy dude he is in total dude nirvana
You: Damnnnnn
by raywilliamthethird November 14, 2017
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