when you've pooped recently and then go work out and while working out develop an intense irressistable ass itch that won't quit without the fiercest of scratching.
Monday I ate chili, tuesday afternoon I took a big shit then went to the gym. On the elliptical I had itchy gym butt something terrible.
by Kanisha J. January 22, 2014
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1 When one is scratching thine ass and begins to tread into uncharted territory, resulting in getting your finger stuck in your ass; at which point the only solution for removal is to build up "pressure" by eating gassy foods.

2 When you are in past your elbow with your partner and your partner suddenly decides its time to shit.
My mom's friend's uncle's second cousin's gym teacher was out of school for three days once, recovering from a sudden exploding itchy.
by Palientologist September 15, 2011
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a massinve amount of pubic hair around the asshole often causing severe itchyness and irritation; when standing straight up the asshair will be sticking out of the asscrack. a asshair amount that you can compare to a jungle; when asscheeks spread you cannot see the asshole due to the amount of hair.
He has a disgusting Itchy Jungle around his asshole.
by NowahsFriend November 17, 2010
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Itchies and Scratchies (n): the prolonged feeling of itchiness surrounding the labia majora following a hot and heavy session of clitoral rubbing. Inspiration pulled from the Simpson’s “Itchy & Scratchy Show”.
“I just have this tickling sensation every now and then around my bush, I really hope it’s not some sort of infection.”

“When was the last time you gave good ol’ Peggy a rub?”

“30 minutes ago.”

“Girl, you’ve got a case of the Itchies & Scratchies!”
by Mulchmuncher9 August 23, 2023
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When you lay in bed for too long and your body is so restless it starts to itch in random places.
Rachel laid in bed staring at the ceiling for so long, she developed the itchy itchies on her face, then her arm, then the bottom of her foot.
by Rachhh53 February 14, 2015
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Mistaken for the “sticky bra
I was hooking up with this girl and she had to rip her itchy titty off.
by Itchytitty12345 August 26, 2023
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The process of sucking on Angels ring worm located on her tit.
Ben: Yo chris what ever happened to you and angel last night?
Chris: Oh man what an amazing night we had! We stayed up all night doing the Itchy-Angel!
by JGGJR February 22, 2017
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