to kiss one's grits (grits are located between the toes); a saying that means something like kiss my ass, but more old-fashioned
Amanda: yer a dork
Jason: kiss my grits
by Amandoid March 6, 2004
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I was watching this porn, and these two girls just started moshing grits. It was way cool.
by Rhymin Steve December 17, 2002
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Some kind of bird that Hunter thinks exists?
Hunter seems oddly obsessed with the imaginary Southern Grit Warbler.
by dustypin November 25, 2021
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A hermit crab version of calm yo tits
Used by protective parents. Some kids never grow out of it.
Person1: I hate you!
Person2: Whoa! Calm yo grits.
Person1: Wth does that mean!?
Person2: Calm down, my mom said it was a common saying...
by Parkderp1 February 1, 2016
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When you eat a pan of buttery grits with your sister and fuck her on the kitchen table and when you get ready to cum you stick a finger in your ass and smear shit and grits on your face and yell country roads take me home.
I performed a West Virginia Grit Shits with my sister yesterday after church.
by Kw69420 April 10, 2022
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A way to tell somone to get out of your bussiness.
:Talking to nick:
mal - ..yeah it was a really good service everyone was filled with the holy spirit and..

jonathon - more spirit filled than you!

mal - ..i dont really care jonathon i never even asked you that so anyway..


mal - Jonthon, Stop dippin in my grits!
by Sarah ohyeah February 27, 2008
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