a sensation aroused during the act murdering a close friend, guest, countryman or family member. To provoke such an image, one must stressfully plot murder, stay awake for multiple nights without sleep, and immediately start to plan other murders of people close to you.
by hahahaahah May 6, 2009
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World Renowned Hip Hop Critique and Gonzo Journalist
Collin Daggers is a ledgend
by Colin Daggers November 27, 2020
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"Hey Taylor, how was your night out with Jordan?"
"Well he was kind of a dull dagger so not too great." :/
by Swagmastersmith August 31, 2016
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Any intense adjective. Example: intense, crazy, cool, weird, awesome, sick, etc.
“He did a backflip. It was daggers, dude.”
“After I stole his girl, he stared daggers at me.”
by worlds greatest grandpa July 17, 2023
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Something that is kind of like what happened to Maximus.
The dagger coming off the guy's bat fractured two of the pitcher's ribs, just as somebody had arranged before the game. It went exactly as planned. He had to slowly watch helplessly as his team was turned into cowards by spacemen.
by The Original Agahnim October 28, 2021
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the thing people are going to place between somebody's ribs if they ask something stupid.
i have to sharpen the dagger i've forged.
by poke-nl April 2, 2017
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Q : yoo can I hit that bro?
A: yea but proceed with caution this one is a dagger
by Bagchaser November 12, 2019
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