During intercourse, when every orifice is penetrated by every finger, toe and sexual organ (dick) as well as nipples to eyes and mouth in one session, cumming pattern is optional, and foot massage is encouraged.
There is a brilliant painting depicting The Million Dollar Bill, by Keenan Dunham online, you've got to see it. It shows all the positions of The Million Dollar Bill being done.
by QuakerOtis August 18, 2021
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1. Used to emphasize something extremely unlikely, but you don’t care to find out the actual probability of said event. (Same with, “one in a billion” and “one in a trillion”)

2. A song and Album by Aaliyah.
1. John: “Are you sure this is safe?”
Doe: “Yeah, the chances of anything going wrong are like, one in a million.”

2. Jane: “ One In A Million by Aaliyah was an amazing song”
by Glockumentary November 14, 2021
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You bring out the best in me. You make me a better version of myself. You're one in a million.
by Out&About November 29, 2021
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dropping your defender with a crossover, hesi, stepback, or any dribble move to only miss the shot, layup, or dunk.
So many kids nowadays spend too much time working on their handles, ignoring everything else offensively. Every day you see a "million dollar move with a food stamp finish."
by unDURYEAted January 5, 2022
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According to ‘Anix’ on yt million minutes means 5 minutes!
“I can’t believe the rain has been going on for a million minutes (more like 5 minutes) !?”
by emogi_boy2468 June 16, 2020
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Have you ever heard someone say that their "eyes hold a million stars"?

Well, that's something taken from the eyes of Lee Felix, whose eyes shine brighter than any star. You could also say that the stars that didn't fit there fell onto his face and made a galaxy of sorts.

"Just look at him! His eyes hold a million stars, they're beautiful!"
by taSzKZ October 2, 2021
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