A term origionally adopted in the whitewater kayaking scene meaning to paddle off, jump or throw (huck) yourself off a gnarly waterfall. Danger is eminent. Similar phrases are used now in skiing, snowboarding and most other extreme sports. See huck your meat
"Dude, we're gonna go huck ze gnar! Wanna come?"
by Twanner January 27, 2009
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The two words narly and nasty combined to make one uberly powerfulistic word: Gnar-Nasty
That guy is so Gnar-Nasty he sack tapped Chuck Norris and got away with it!
by Ben Sholl March 29, 2009
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description of someone who does something extremely complicated, yet still pulls it off with the greatest of ease and as slick as possible. A person who can do technical gnarly things.
Did you see john's 360 flip-nose manual-nollie flip out? Hes a tech gnar superstar.
by bauerpower November 15, 2005
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A term used to describe something that sucks and is completely funny at the same time.
Dude I was at this party and dis chick fuckin' fell on da steps. It was soooo Gnar Butter!
by Jennayyyyy November 7, 2005
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You say this when something is too sick to just be "sick." Reserved for only the SICKEST things in life.
Yooooo, you see that guy land that triple cork last week?

Yeeeeeah, sicky gnar pow, bruh.
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Riding a downhill mountain bike with full suspension down a hill very rapidly, into large sums of roost and loamy soil formations. May also include riding over large rocks and slimy roots at mach10.
''Is anyone going dragging gnar bikes down some hills tomorrow?
by rocksandroots June 28, 2011
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