The act of forcing oneself to endure, without physical signs of discomfort, otherwise unbearably low temperatures by simply refusing to wear a jacket.

If one shows physical signs of discomfort whilst refusing to wear a jacket he or she will be subject to ridicule amongst his or her friends, e.g. being called a dickhead, therefore to avoid such ridicule the mind will force the body to cope with the cold.

For added incentive one can carry their jacket with them and still refuse to wear it. Carrying a jacket whilst being obviously cold makes the person attempting to exploit The Dickhead Factor appear even more foolish thus increasing the levels of ridicule they will have to endure and their incentive not to show discomfort.
Person A (wearing jacket):- Hey, aren't you cold out here? It's freezing!
Person B (not wearing jacket):- Nope, I'm fine.
Person A:- wow, you must be immune to cold or something.
Person C:- Don't fall for it, he's just exploiting The Dickhead Factor.
by White Fire November 30, 2010
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A person who acts as a provocateur for no reason other than to be a dickhead.
Bob: Did you hear Donald Trump Jr. tell the crowd that "This isn't their Republican Party any more; it is Donald Trump's Republican Party" ?

Amy: Just ignore that dickhead-provocateur. We'll be done with him soon enough.
by Frustrated_Driver January 10, 2021
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Dickhead Daniels is a guy named Jacob Allen Daniels , his instagram is born_a_baller_Jacob
by robiiiiiieeee June 27, 2016
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Someone, more times than not called something like Ryan or Paul, perhaps even Dave, who acts like a genuine dickhead most of the time, he attempts to sleeze with the most ugliest looking women and uses alcohol in his defence for gettin' off with such women. He also tries to make you feel sooo small and insignificant by trying to over power you with his quick witty banter and vast array of intellect that is normally just complete bullshit. He also can become very boring and irritable like herpes (I've heard)
Greg: "Hey man, how has your day been?"

Woody: "Well, it was going alright till Ryan started talking to me a short while a go"

Greg: " ARGH mate don't go there!! Just dont talk to him, he is such a GENUINE DICKHEAD"
by supadoopawooddelachopdier March 25, 2011
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You know the people that go to urban dictionary to insult a celebrity or to complain that is an urban dickhead
I get it Justin beiber is terrible why don't you urban dickheads get over it and do something with your life
by no derps February 7, 2015
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dickhead kid is a term used by the pakis in hyde park, it usually is used for someone who is very immature and a prick.
stop fukin abwt iby we'll get kikd owt of the cinima fukin dickhead kid.....
by zulfikar March 2, 2009
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A person who is a complete ass hole. The biggest dick you’ll ever meet. Typically thinks they are better than everyone.
I can’t believe you’re brother had to rat you out like that, hes a real Dr. Dickhead!!!
by I’m an alter boy December 11, 2019
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