And, again...
Hym "I'm not anonymous. The week I became Hym they were posting definitions in L33t Sp34k (the format of my password) which means SOMEONE has had my Facebook profile since day one. So, not anonymous. Not a troll either. Greatest psychological mind of all time! Better than everyone."
by Hym Iam July 28, 2023
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I'm not anonymous.... You just didn't ask... Wait... Did I do this one already? No? Shit.... Do you get it least? Do you.... Do you get the joke? Nah... You don't get it...
Hym "My question is: If I was having such a substantial and negative impact, why didn't you ask? Huh? A priori assumption that I would lie? Then again I defined my name... So, not really anonymous. At the same time, you dumb motherfuckers don't really need to know who I am. Ya'll are crazy as shit. Crazy and dumb. Solipsistic narcissists, all of you. I'm sure I've said this all before but in case I haven't... Yeah... That... You filth pigs are nuts! If I had created you I would have surrounded you in an infinitely expanding mesh of space-time too! Look at yourself! Absolutely bonkers. And how do I know? Cus you're reading this. It's been like 7 years you freak! Why are you still here? I mean, I forced you to do it (at first) but now you're doing it cus you like it you slut!"
by Hym Iam February 7, 2023
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Hym “I’m not anonymous. You know exactly who I am. And you have to let this ‘If you said it to my face I would punch you thing.’ If I’m more capable of violence, I get to say whatever I want now? I’m also me with derision and contempt of the internet. I also don’t have a lot of Facebook friends. You constantly try to frame me as a narcissist but when you list the criteria, it just doesn’t apply to me. I said you would say that. About the attention? I said you would say it. RIGHT AGAIN! CAPTAIN ALWAYS RIGHT! See, I love how you draw a conclusion and have people on to try and legitimize that conclusion.”
by Hym Iam November 8, 2022
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The most retarded name for a group of posers. Every teenage kid in his moms basement hiding behind his hoodie wants to be a member of, the stupidest virgins wearing a fucking mask or you could see their nerd face.
"Anonymous or else girls could see me"
by Dixie's finest February 23, 2023
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Some urbdic user who holds the record for publishing the most urban dictionary definitions. He's my fucking idol!
Anonymous knows alot of words, the man surely has a masters degree in English
by Rotten Turkey July 30, 2022
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A former narutard who appearently gets off on writing scathing reviews of a site such as Ninpocho that probably banhammered him for bad behavior and troublemaking, he is true to his name in trying to raise Hell because he has a personal vendetta against a site that decided it was too good for him.

Probably an emo kid who cries himself to sleep as he holds the bandage to his arm after cutting himself to feel anything at all, Anonymous Hellraiser clearly doesn't understand the fine line between enjoying creative writing and pretend, and decided to get hateful when someone made that line clear to him.

Member of NC 1: Hey, did you see that entry written by Anonymous Hellraiser?
Member of NC 2: Yeah, that arrogant prick probably wrote it because he wishes he could still play and compensates for his poor writing skills by trying to publically trash a website's credibility when he doesn't know how to deal with his childish anger.
by Sagitta Magica November 15, 2007
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Pseudo-anonymous given by the word pseudo which means give out a fake identity online or in real life . This refers to someone use an Alias to hide their identity hidden and given out their alias such as John or what ever name you choose making them pseudo anonymous
People that use a alias to go by that being pseudo-anonymous
by DæklWiki May 6, 2022
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