When a male is extremely awful at sex/fingering a girl and proceeds to move his dick/fingers in a similar movement to the way a woodpecker pecks at a tree, regardless of the fact that the female is quite obviously not enjoying it.
Girl 1 "So how was sex with jared last night?"

Girl 2 "Do not even ask, he woodpeckered me all night and I felt zero pleasure"
by Pugloverrr February 15, 2015
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The act of a high heel shoe being used to assault someone. Using the actual heel of the shoe to strike someone.
In the morning we noticed the imprint of a girl's high heel on our friends forehead. Hence, he got "woodpeckered".

The creepy drunk was following the girls walking with their shoes in-hand. Turning the corner, he noticed the woodpecker that struck him before.
by dab1333 October 26, 2010
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A thot that only sucks dick in the morning so she pecks the morning wood
"Man that thot was she's a woodpecker"
by Jookson910 September 16, 2018
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When a male is engaging in sexual intercource with a female partner, he turns her upside down in a headstand postion. He the proceeds to step on her chin and spread her legs. At this point he performs rapid cunnilingius on her.
Girl 1: Hey, why is your neck so crooked?

Girl 2: Oh, Pat gave me the woodpecker last night.

Girl 1: Damn, that guy is hot.

Girl 2: Yup
by Patrick Gora October 9, 2006
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Heading a football downwards and again on its rebound. Like a "Keep up" in football but with the head and propelling the ball downwards rather than up.
Look at Henry over there, he's just broken the Woodpeckering World Record with 4 woodpeckers!
by Jon Molby September 4, 2023
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(Past tense verb). To speak in an unclear, fragmented manner, usually word-to-word, rather than in proper sentences. People might speak like this while enraged, nervous, hesitant, or off their head on alcohol.
by Callus_was_me_all_along March 17, 2022
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