V. To show up uninvited when a group of people are smoking up, and wait around trying to get a hit.

N. One who vultures.
God, Nick is such a vulture, we ran into him last week in the woods and he just stood around hoping we'd take pity.
by g_dylan October 29, 2010
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Vulturize, to snatch something up or taking things in a malicious, bitchy, or mean way.
You vulturized my potential client, I wish I could hit you in the face.
by The Vulturizer March 9, 2012
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The act of driving around a parking lot looking for people who are walking to their cars to get their parking space.
I am vulturing around this lot. Look there's someone who's leaving! Quick, after them!
by wibbit42 February 20, 2009
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When a person decides they are 'done' with a conversation that has turned sour or aggressive, and resolves it by promptly vomiting noisily upon their verbal attacker. This action is then followed by a hasty retreat, preferably whilst flapping like a bird.
Louis couldn't stand all the horrible things people were saying about Ru Paul, and started vulturing on all and sundry, leaving a trail of bile and sweetcorn as he flapped off into the night.
by Solidmuldoon January 14, 2015
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A large scavenger bird - the kind that flies in a circle over dying animals in old Western movies.
You be a vultua!
by Fangsta December 14, 2003
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(N.) A person in a battle royale who does nothing during the match, but takes leftovers items. Generally they have a random assortment of items in their inventory.
This vulture just got the win by following us!
by NoxiousNote9292 June 23, 2020
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That dude who's always waiting for chicks to get drunk so he can hustle them
Today I'm going to be a vulture at Amy's party. Those girls will be drunk.
by Boxxes April 16, 2013
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