The 2nd-biggest idiots on the planet, right behind people who vote solely because of party.
Those clueless undecided voters are almost as stupid as Bob, who voted for George W. Bush just because he was a Republican!
by don'tuseurrealname February 13, 2013
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n. a dumbass, or,
n. an upper-middle class loser trying to be an elite millionaire, or,
n. one of bush's "haves and have mores" elite circle of criminals, or,
n. a mythical, non-existent entity that magically seems to appear en masse during election time in states that are both 1)worth a significant number of electoral votes and 2)have problems (ie: sabotage) with the effeciency of their voting proceedures.
look at that bush voter with his "bush-cheney '04" sticker and his presidential motorcade-looking flags sticking up on each side of his H2.
by justice223 October 20, 2005
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An originally harmless term that has recently turned in Slovakia into a strongly offensive name for a person who hates their own life so much that they are willing to attend the regional elections and vote for a neo-nazi jerk to become their regional governor.

These people suffer from an excessive use of mental shorcuts like: " I am not able to buy as big TV as my neighhbour has... My life sucks... Whose fault is it? Fuck, I am going to vote for the funny angry guy with this cute moustache. And we will kick those black asses out of our country!"
The term has a great potential to become a name for any loser who is desperate to blame someone else for their fail and uses it as an excuse to act like a complete asshole.
- Have you heard? Jozko got drunk last night and started to fight with the nice foreign barman in our pub.
- Oh, that frustrated voter! He must have learned his best friend Fero is shaggin' his chick.

- Stop being a frustrated voter, Terka! You cannot boil your golden fish just because you didn't get the Barbie for Christmas!

- The frustrated voters finally have their reason to celebrate after the elections in Slovakia.
by maroch November 26, 2013
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The #1 reason political ads have basically remained unchanged for several years. Each election season candidates go on TV and, in a soft, dramatic voice, tell the viewers how much they love you, and how much they love your children, and how they want a wonderful future for you, and for your children, and golly, I want to be the one to do it. And the soft music plays in the background, while we watch a montage of images of children and elderly people. Then those who are the most gullible voters sit back and think, "wow, this person really must care about me and my children. I mean, listen to the music!"

So, without any careful study of the candidates, they vote them into office, and when the now elected official starts pursuing special interest paybacks and forgetting about you and your children, the voter is stunned and outraged.

The #2 reason is voting down party lines, regardless of the qualifications of the candidate. To flippantly vote for a candidate based on party affiliation is not only wholly irresponsible, but shows blatant ignorance towards the percentage of voters who attempt to educate themselves during election years. After all, we're trying to elect the least evil candidate.
The Erie County budget disaster so outraged the community, that voters put most of the legislators back into office the next election year. Um..., now wait a minute. That sounds like voter stupidity. When we asked a voter, he said "well, I'm a Democrat, and even though he is one also and he was equally responsible for this mess, well, I just voted down the party line, you see. Plus, his commercial said he really liked me and my family."
by beastfan August 9, 2006
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1 Condition that occurs when you're waiting in a long line to vote because the state doesn't provide enough polling places for voters.
This long line at the polling station is giving me a clear case of voter fatigue
by Sigma Rigel October 25, 2020
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A person who probably has a Dale Earnhardt Jr. sticker on their truck/SUV.
Oh well, reasonably low gas prices were starting to get old anyway.
by Squid Wrangler March 28, 2005
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When you realize that you voted with your emotions and only one real agenda, now you are wondering how badly you messed up the country. No Regerts!
I suddenly have a case Voter's Remorse after voting for an obvious potential dictator .
by mormdavid November 9, 2016
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