1. A type of plant that can be consumed. Vegetables contain many nutrients and vitamins.
2. A derogatory term for a disabled person.
1. Oranges have vitamin C, so remember to eat one to stay healthy.
2. What is the hardest part of a vegetable to eat? The wheelchair.
by The Latino Sandal June 12, 2018
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Someone who doesn't do shit
What a vegetable, he doesn't do shit
by joseph ding December 8, 2014
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The root word of Veg meaning to loaf or to relax. Normally, vegetating denotes more activity than just sitting around.
So what are you doing today?
Nothing but a little vegetating.
by killernoodle August 11, 2004
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When someone is to high on weed that they just want food or can not comprehend anything. It is also a short word for calling someone a Vegetable
Marcus: "You're such a vegetal Ashley"
Ashley: "Where is the fucking food cunt"
by Vegetal November 8, 2017
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v. to lay low for an extended period of time; incommunicado.
Ain' talkin' to no one, just wanna vegetate and get petrified.
by observer of the obvious November 18, 2003
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Here are some vegetables: carrot, potatoe, potato, onion, cabbage, turnip, salad, lettuce, tomato, spinach, bean, pepper, squash.
You better eat your vegetables, or you can't have any meat.
by rpfeff November 19, 2003
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High on marijuana. You are so high that your mental abilities are impaired, but not like a retard. You are on the way to becoming the plant you have been enjoying. You are conscious in the way a plant is conscious.
He sat there in the corner in a highly vegetated on the green leaf.
by realjohnson88 July 5, 2017
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