Toothpaste is an hygiene item that everyone should use. It saves your life... and other peoples lives. It would be great if you woke up in the morning and immediately brush your teeth. It sounds very simple, because it is very very simple. Its not that hard people. All you have to do is get up and go to your bathroom and pop out that toothbrush and toothpaste and get to working. Thank you all for your cooperation! And I hope you feel amazing when people are actually talking to you now. (:
"Ew whats that smell?"

"I think its Becky.. she hasn't been using her toothpaste. I don't even think she knows what that is."
"Oh dang, i'm going to go over there and tell her."
"Be careful!"
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Squeezing a penis to coax out residual semen after an ejaculation.
Bitch wipe my nuts clean and don't forget to toothpaste.
by Rumplednutsk1n September 14, 2016
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v. - The act of spreading toothpaste on your nipples to achieve a high. Toothpaste contains a chemical similar to opium, which enters the bloodstream through the thin skin of the areola, and stimulates your nerve cells to release Dopamine. This gives you a high similar to Marijuana, but stronger.
Dude, I got so ripped toothpasting last night.

My friends and I are going to go toothpasting, you wanna come?
by Asbrodean May 6, 2012
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v. Toothpasting

The act of spreading toothpaste on ones
nipples to create a high from titanium dioxide
reacting with the central nervous system.

"Toothpasting" is also known as "pasting".
"We should stop by CVS to pick up some
Colgate so we can start TOOTHPASTING tonight."
"Yeah man, lets get pasted!"
by Austinium83 May 8, 2012
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Toothpasting is a fad similar to huffing paint - a poorfag's way of getting high. It involves increasing the permeability of the skin on your nipples (either by rubbing them with an abrasive, or alcohol, a paint thinner, or nail polish remover), and then covering your nipples in toothpaste. A chemical from the toothpaste then absorbs through your skin and enters the bloodstream, getting you high.

It also works if taken as an anal suppository, but a tingly minty ass isn't as fun as tingly nipples.
Dude, I finally found a good way of getting into Sarah's shirt - I just told her I'd help her try toothpasting. I just rubbed her tits with mouthwash and then ten minutes of Colgate later we were zoning out.
by JimmyJohnBobo May 8, 2012
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when your bra is too small and your nipple slips out a little almost like when toothpaste is being squirted out of the tube
ashley you have toothpaste
by nmg1985 July 30, 2010
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