See Doggy-style.

Where the 'bitch' (either male or female) will get on all fours and the 'butch' will enter him/her from behind, either in the vagina or the anus.
by Gumba Gumba March 1, 2004
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A dude puts himself behind you and inserts his penis into your vagina from behind while your bent over. Then he'll pull her hair, and use her boobies as a steering wheel. The best sex ever. Make sure you rub.
My boyfriend and I doggy style every time.
by Horny (single) Bitch July 22, 2004
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A sexual position. It means for a woman or a man to get down on all fours. (there hands and knees) There partner gets behind them and have sex with them from behind wheather it be anally or vaginally.
Mike and John did it all night long doggy style.
by Boo Boo Butt January 12, 2006
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for a woman to get down (usually on hands & knees) and the male partner to insert his penis in the womans anus or vagina from behind. the male normally has control and can hold the womans tits for support (and other things)
i love when mah man gives it to me doggy style. *oohhh that feels good. fuck me harder baby! gimmy some more!*
by fuck me December 2, 2003
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Doggy Style
Noun: One of the more intimate sexual positions shared among the human species offering deep penetration, multiple entry points and good pelvic thrust cushioning. A versatile & lifestyle friendly position as it affords both participants the ability to continue watching their favorite TV show whilst offering the more dominant of the species a stable table to rest ones beer and/or ashtray upon. It is little wonder this position has soared to the top of the charts as one of the most preferred sexual positions among this species.
My girlfriend loves doggy style coz she never has to miss an episode of friends :D
by Heeeere Doggy! January 2, 2013
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Type of sexual style that involves a man engaging in intercourse while on his knees behind a woman...or man if that's how you roll, who is on their hands and knees. This technique is also skillfully used when trying to ignore that you're having sex with an ogre and instead imagining her to just be a larger then average runway model.
Guy 1: Man you should have seen the chick I nailed doggie style last night, she was thick and had hair like Jessica Alba

Guy 2: There's no've never fucked any good looking girls.

Guy 1: I didn't say she was good looking, she just had nice hair.
by Hazel11 November 1, 2010
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A kickass way to sex a girl. It gets us so hot and sweaty and horny and usually its smart to be on the floor bc otherwise u can make a lotta noise on the bed... ;)
Jason: Baby cmon let me fuck you doggy style!
Chelsea: Okay know its my favorite.
Jason: Yes I do!!
by 44dinablowurhorn44 May 3, 2007
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