A way of going about chess with a twist. You must have 3 teams of interesting people to actually make this game work. Typically the teams will consist of the colors black, white, and red. When the teams usually pick their colors their personalities tend to go as followed:
Black: The newer people to the game, inexperienced, but can get the job done with some effort. Usually the more reserved of the three.
White: The more outgoing group, easily deceived in the beginning but if you lose too much sight on them, they will be the ones ahead. When motivated, they will come out on top.

Red: They are a mixture of the two teams above. They can either have outgoing people or more reserved but they play the game very strategically and start out on top. Sometimes this remains constant throughout the game, other times they think they are in good shape until the end.

You start the game and you typically use a pawn, most people just pick their favorite but there is an extreme amount of pressure on these pawns for they set the standard for the rest of the game. The rest of the pieces move and when the first piece crosses the border and captures a piece that's when it gets serious.

To win the game one of the teams must put the others into check mate, which can take a bit of time but can be done.

**Caution: Bumps and Bruises may occur due to excessive competitiveness.**
"Hey Courtney and Maggie do you want to go play three way chess?" asked Jordan
Courtney, the more eccentric one of the group, "Sure I'm team white!"
"I'll be red," said Maggie.
"I guess that means I'm black,"said the more reserved Jordan.
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Sexual intercourse between three individuals that are related by a maximum distance of second cousin.

Typically involved two males (cousins, brothers, uncle-nephew, father-son, grandfather-grandson, etc.) and a female (sister, cousin, aunt, wife, grandma, mother, etc.)

Similar to a three way, but more incestuous.
"Santorum comes from behind in Alabama three way" -Kyle Whitmire, Weld for Birmingham
by Chief O'Chuggabeer February 25, 2012
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Any situation, usually but not necessarily involving three parties, which can be seen to have reached a critical point.
We had to invite a fourth person, or else a lovely evening would devolve into a sausage three-way.

The man, upon walking in on his wife and her lover, was heard to exclaim, "Well, this is quite the sausage three-way!"

As cops tried to clear off the mild two-car fender bender, a third car carelessly careened into the scene, thus turning the routine accident into a real sausage three-way.
by jwillmo September 20, 2007
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When you enter a public restroom to discover the potent aroma of a previous user then you enhance the ambiance with your own pleasing boquet and then you are immediatly followed by a third and final donor to the brew of olfactory stimulous thus creating a three way funk.
After Hansel D. Dirkastan stood in line for the chili festival outhouse for over thirty minutes in the mid Summer heat I discovered that he walked directly into a three way funk with his mouth wide open. The taste was even muskier than he could have anticipated.
by eetadeek August 19, 2009
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When two guys have sex with one girl. One rule of a devil's three way, as described in the Bro Code on How I Meet your Mother, is that guys are to never make eye contact while involved in a devil's three way.
Dude, Johnny and I got this chick trashed one night and we ended up in a devil's three way!
by Hood9300 April 29, 2008
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When three people lay in a triangle formation, each within another's crotch performing oral sex, while receiving oral sex themselves
Me: Man, Last night Rabecca, Joey, and Me had the best three-way 69 ever
Someone: no way!

Me: yeah, I did rabecca while she did Joey, and Joey did me!
by The_watch March 18, 2016
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Opposite of a devil's three-way. When God decides to send you two angles from heaven that you can bang all night, meaning two girls on one guy.
Jon: Yo man, I had Laura and Emma last night, that was awesom!
Jan: Damn, I wish I could have a angel's three-way with those two.
by JonJanLaura November 28, 2010
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