When a middle aged man is balding only in the spot where a Jewish Yamaka (Yarmulke) would be worn.
Student 1: Dude, our teacher is getting old. I think he's balding!
Student 2: Yeah! I think he has a Skin Yamaka (Yarmulke)!
by Mr. Turtle096 September 29, 2010
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A ski cap rolled up so it just stays on your head. It looks like you're wearing a large barely unrolled condom with-out a tip.
Many of the henchmen in the old Batman series wore Hip-hop Yamakas
by Babarakus March 25, 2011
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placing a plastic shot glass on top of someone's beer without the person holding said beer realizing it.
Casey spilled his beer all over himself when he didn't realize that people in the bar were yamakaing.
by TucanSamwitch April 29, 2009
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weekend party in which you wear a yamaka because school is off for a jewish holiday.
"Lets have a yamaka party because school's off for yom kippur"
by klm21 September 25, 2009
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Yamaka Piona can mean two things.

1. Shut up little bitch hoe
2. I just jizzed.
Beth: Fuck you randy.
Randy: Yamaka Piona
Beth: *shocked pikachu face*
by OwOwhatsthat November 23, 2019
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Incidence of flattened hair after the removal of a yamaka.

Typically used for male observant Jews.
Person 1: "Do you know where he's from?"
Person 2: "Well it looks like he just came from Israel."
Person 1: "How do you know that?"
Person 2: "He still has a yamaka stain."
by Jolie8911 November 19, 2015
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