A heart to heart, pulling no punches, down to earth God's honest
conversation, getting down to serious business after light hearted banter.
Sooner or later I am going to have serious real talk with the woman that I love.
by St. Ias September 17, 2005
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n. The act of setting an argument with your girlfriend to lyrical prose. See also R. Kelly
Girl, they don't eat with us; they don't sleep with us;
What THEY eat don't make US shit!
Real talk.
by alpha planet May 30, 2010
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The act of keeping it "real".Truth telling statements .Meaning what you say .
"I hate the color pink, and that's some REAL TALK right there"
by adverb July 20, 2008
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a term used in serious situations. Usually used when making a point, somewhat replacing the word "swear".
"... real talk I aint playin, Im bout to beat yo ass!"

"real talk get from infront of my house before I shoot you!"
by ShawnIcey August 2, 2009
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1. Straight up, serious, factual communication.

2. Phrase sometimes included in a communication to convey to listeners/readers that the speaker/writer is not joking, and will back up what they're saying with facts or fists. (see example in definition # 8).

3. Phrase commonly used by jackasses who think it makes them sound serious, hard or knowledgeable.
Actual conversation on facebook btwn 2 moms about the apparent size of their fetus' dicks in ultrasounds:

Sharrell: He aint got shit on my sons when I was pregnant...lmao seriously.

Pretty: Man stop playin ma son's dick iz goin to be big azz fuck lol real talk.
by Horace P. Q. Winthropper IV October 30, 2012
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The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Used to emphasize utterly truthful statements
Person 1: Man Michigan sucks
by Shimatta Baka-Ni! November 23, 2010
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A phrase two "bros" use to go to a different room by themselves during a party without the necessity to prove they're not homos.
(Person A hosting a party)
Person A: I heard Fred was talking to your girl yesterday on the phone...

Person B: Real talk. let's go to your room..
by (^w^)b December 7, 2010
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