Swagged-out, wild, and crazy
That dude has so much swayze

That car is swayzie
by dibrikisha November 22, 2010
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To depart from any given location with rapidity. While the more common term Swayze is thought to originate from a parallel between the street slang Ghost (also meaning departing with rapidity) and the Patrick Swayze film Ghost, it is truly a derivative of the term Swayzed.

The true origins of the term lie with the Swayze film Road House, wherein he plays a bouncer, and its parallel to the street slang Bounce.

Therefore, the Swayzed/Bounce/Road House axis is the true origins for the derivative parallel of Swayze/Ghost.
Imma bounce, hit the road, leave the house -- I'm Swayzed.
by Wuggins August 14, 2006
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An especially wrinkled and gaunt looking scrotum and its contents, often seen poking out when old men decide to go "commando" in shorts.
Paul: that's the last time I ever use the change room at the gym with an old man around.

Tim: why's that?

Paul: He bent over to dry his feet and I got a square look at the mankiest set of swayzes ever.
by grouchojust April 4, 2009
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see you later......
peace I'm out....
catch you on the flipside....
(sometimes used with the 2 finger-middle and pointer- peace gesture)
John- Later dude
Mike- Swayze bro
by Brendan December 9, 2003
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Synonym for Smooth.

The state of extreme Swayzeness. Swazy behavior in an individual is usually demonstrated by:

- fluidic movements that may lead you to believe this person has no bones or nervous system

- the complete lack of bodily hair that allows them to avoid wind resistance and retain their cool

- the strict avoidance of any sudden outburst in emotion or reaction to situations that would normally elicit unswayze/ unsmooth behavior

- a self-acknowledgement that they are Swayzier/smoother than every one around them
Note: achieving such a level of smoothness/Swayzyness is normally obtained through a process called “smoothing up” or "Swayzing up".
1) "Hey man, you see that Ray Allen jumpshot?

"Yeah, that was swayze"

2) "Dude, where is Ray Allen, he's been on the bench for like fifteen minutes!"

"Don't worry.. he's just swayzing up."

3) Police Officer: "Sorry Mr Allen, I'm going to have to give you a ticket, you were speeding"

Ray Allen: "That's cool"

Police Officer: "Man you're swayze"
by The Digital Breed August 22, 2013
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usually good guys. and most of them have dogs, a brother and sister, and two parents. the average guy, with a clean haircut and a desire for secrecy.
i wish i was a swayze they r so kewl
by mark pivinski August 10, 2008
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