One of the greatest RTS (real time strategy) games of all time. It was produced by Blizzard Entertainment in 1998, and has remained popular with over 30 million copies sold.

In the game 3 races, Zerg, Protoss, and Terran (human) face off in an intergalactic free for all. The game was hailed as on of the greatest with regards to balance between the warring factions. One of the greatest players of all time is Terran, whereas beginning players enjoy Protoss and Zerg. Moderate players can usually play as any of the races and it can be anyones game.

South Korea loves Starcraft. They have competitions, where as many as 14 kids from each of the 6 major teams compete in front of a stadium of people. The best player in the world can make upwards of 200,000 dollars. The training players are lucky to make 600/month.

On a personal note, one of the greatest games of all time. Starcraft 2 will be coming out soon, hopefully they managed to do everything Starcraft did, but even better.
Dude1: Starcraft is Awesome!

Dude2: No man, Age of Empires

Dude3, Dude4, Dude5: Dude2, your either hilarious, or stupid.... and definately hilariously stupid.
by Zemo February 23, 2008
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A time of day. Can be anywhere between 7 PM and 3 AM.
Cody: "Say, Dan, will you be online at say.... starcraft?"
by Kells March 3, 2005
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A computer game you play before you die.
I played starcraft to much and I died but my account name "nigball" has a ratio of 100000000/0.
by Nigball April 23, 2005
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The drug that is responsible for ruining the lives of many, most notably students. Also known as one of the world's most effective girlfriend-killers.
person 1: Hey man, you got a freakin' 12 on the last test...
person 2: goddamn starcraft...

person 1: what's the matter? where'd lindsey go?
person 2: (weeps) it was starcraft or her...
by Starcraftaddictsanonymous October 30, 2008
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One of the best RTS (real time strategy) games of all time. Better than C&C and Warcraft. Arguably the most balanced game of all time.
Loser :Doood! I just gotz meh Bladezmasta, naow ima pwn ur a$$!
Winner : *sigh* when will you learn that I don't play Warcraft? (A game for losers, except for the DOTA version) Get a life and play some Starcraft n00b.
by tabletennisgod June 19, 2010
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american version- pretty cool game, made by blizzard in the 1980's this game takes a good amount of brainpower to have fun in

Korean version- The ultimate sport, this is your RELIGION, the meaning of life, this amazing blessing from the gods of computers is better than the orgasm, a underrated practice in korea.
Though, many koreans have broke free from the pack, and have fleed to america
#1 white guy- i play baseball soccer football and lacrosse. you?

korean guy- starcraft

#2 Drunk horny girl- omfg i need to have sex now idc who it is! whadya wanna do to me

korean guy-starcraft
by pissedoffyoutuber January 10, 2009
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Dude, we're having a LAN party. We're going to play 42 hours of starcraft straight with a few urban terror breaks!
by Mr Fogg July 31, 2011
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