witty, also being sarcastic and cynical. The definition of Shim Changmin from DBSK
Changmin's smirk was so snarky...
by boojae21 May 11, 2008
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Condition resulting in verbal response reflecting mockery and intentional condescension, often times found when responding to nonsensical progressive, politically correct comments. Use of sarcasm often times empowers snarkiness.
Joe Cool used snarkiness responding to a buffoon who posted liberal gibberish on a Politico thread on the internet.
by Realwriter24 May 21, 2014
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oh dane cook. = viscious circle my friends, is all i have to say.
google that shit, snarky it's a word, google magic my friends. =
by Kaytg219 January 24, 2007
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Origins: Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark" (1874)

Witty sarcasm, used to belittle someone or something without becoming ad hominem. Also used to describe practical jokes of a particularly funny and sabotaging kind.
He was so snarky in his review of the movie, I lol'd, but the fanbois got butthurt.
by mlorrey December 17, 2009
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A term, which Dane Cook suggests we google.
He was being very snarky with his attitude. Yeah, snarky, google that shit.
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A word created by combining of sneaky and saracasm. You definetly watching too much Dane Cook - but seriously, how much is REALLY too much?
by Mia17 April 30, 2007
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small shrimp-like creature with the ability to claim anything as his own only by barfing on it. a pack-shrimp.
one who smells of petite crustaceans.
"Dont let Rufus on your bed, he is a Snarkie"
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