Slated is when you ate and and slayed at the same time pur!
I slated that bitch
Ur mom did not slate with that outfit

My outfit slated
by Camileslated123 May 12, 2022
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Only Something god has control over. he slates your death. he knows when you die. only he can change that or not
Ok so you can love me or hate me/
ain goin nowhere only god can slate me/
by B-Millz August 26, 2006
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The word to describe that moment when you and your friend(s) have a thought simultaneously- a true brain connection
A: A peanutbutter-jelly sandwich would be so dope right now

B: Facts bro I was thinking the EXACT same thing dude

A: Bro were slated
by stayslatedwithyourbors August 19, 2017
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A slate having a strange, pulsating sound which calms down the player "Fleyst" everytime he hears it.
Magic words are engraved on it, but it's impossible to read them, except for "Fleyst".
The words speak of the unrequited love between "Fleyst" and the Slates.
In case of strengthening failure, it prevents the degrading as well as the destruction of the item.
It doesn't prevent "Fleyst" from losing a part of his soul, everytime one Slate gets destroyed.
Fleyst loves Slates.
Slates are Fleyst's life.
He plays only to obtain new Slates.
If he get's reborn one day, he want's to be a slate.
The sound of a Slate breaking appart, tears down Fleyst's little heart.
by FleystSimp June 13, 2021
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To be intoxicated, drunk, or un-sober.
Dude, are you slated or what?
I've been slated since I got here.
We's gon' get slated toNIGHT!
by j to the bizzo May 4, 2005
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when u slay and ate 😜
by bestse November 2, 2022
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Slate: To Not Be Friends With Someone/' Am/Are Not Friends With'
Person #1: I Slate Jane.
Person #2: I Slate Calvin.
Person #1: Dudee, Same Here. I Slate Them Both.
by VEM January 6, 2010
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