A worthless skank who gets famous from making a sex tape, inexplicaby getting famous by society that just makes America look fucking stupider from all these idiots who for unknown reasons worship this whore who's a useless piece of shit that needs to be airlfted and abandoned to the farthest island away so she can rot away and not infest the US anymore with her worthlessness.
by someone who fucking hates kim November 1, 2011
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a person who always thinks they look good, but in reality, they look like shit. mostly the people with very low self respect. they sleep around alot, and probably have an STD infected loose vagina.
cause shes a skank
by 8meh8er October 18, 2010
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A total thot. This person is a bitch and does not give a single fuck about those around them.
look over there she is such a skank, what a thottie
by bird03 August 2, 2018
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1. Someone who is a dirty woman that cheats and sleeps with other men

2. A ram root chum of a bitch

3. A woman who is so self obsessed with herself that she wants to go through as many men in her life as i go through toilet paper it's not funny...god damn skanks
by G.MAC March 30, 2006
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"look at that little skank over there!, she flirts with everyone! and she's ugly af"
by playdoedoedoe February 12, 2017
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1. (verb) A type of dance that is done at ska shows. It's basically swing dancing with yourself.
2. (adj.) A person who's an amazingly awesome rudie.
1. "I skanked till i almost had a heart attack at that ska show last night!"
2. "Man, that guy's totally skankin!"
by Katie May 9, 2004
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slang and a pejorative term used in the Western World to describe a person, usually female, who is either sexually promiscuous in a tasteless manner or behaves in a way which others perceive to be such also used for the word SLUT
by Jack Randalsin October 17, 2007
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