Joking euphemism for having been sexually groped without one's consent.

Based on the name of a prominent, once-thought-to-be heterosexual (???), Republican spokesperson and organizer who allegedly groped his chauffeur repeatedly and persistently—without consent. The driver claimed the experience traumatized him and complained about it to anyone who would listen, including the Press.
(Straight guy, realizing he's just been pinched on the ass by another man) "Egads! I've just been Schlapped!"
by mrburlesk March 10, 2023
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The sound emitted by slapping with a slight wet/moist tone to it.
-Hey, What is Sylvia doing in there?
-No clue, Probably having sex, I heard em Schlapping.
by Sir Schlong December 4, 2020
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(Atlanta) A term used to describe someone or something going crazy. Another word for crazy is "schlap."
by witchhunt666 May 10, 2020
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Schlap -ing (verb):
The art of slapping someone with your penis.

(Only applicable if you have a penis)
I'm gonna schlap you across the face!
by TheColorman June 21, 2021
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A big storm of methane. Person of giant shits and farts.
You are a giant Schlap-Slifter.
by Youranerd Peonson February 14, 2021
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